Monday, December 7, 2009

Root Cellar

This poem descries a cellar that seems like a dark and dreary place. The cellar is described as dank as a ditch. There are shoots just dangling on mildewed crates not to mention that it also stinks. Everything thing you can think of not wanting to put together is in that cellar. Throughout all of this the place is describes as a place where nothing would give up life even the dirt. While someone may see this place as the worst place in the world it is a place full of life were everything no matter how ugly or unattractive something is it continues to yearn for life.

The Fury of Aerial Bombardment

This poem by Richard Eberhart talks about the war and murder that people commit in the face of god. The author questions whether man was made stupid to see his own stupidity. The author obviously thinks that war and death are something man should immediately cease doing. He mentions some people who are now just names on a list because they have gone on to an early death because of senseless murder. He says that after so many centuries of killing you would think that man would repent but yet they still kill. He is making a statement against murder and violence because of its senselessness.


In the poem “Grass” Carl Sandburg talks about how though we may have wars and death on the battlefield, grass always covers up and hides the remnants of the battles. As time passes we sometimes forget about those battles and the lives lost that the grass covers. People ask “What place is this?” and “Where are we now?” when on these battlefields because they have forgotten what has happened in those places. This poem may be a reminder that even though we may not be able to see physical evidence on the battlefield, this place was a ground for war and lives were lost in these places and that we should always be aware of that fact for the people who lost their lives.

Friday, December 4, 2009

I may have finally got a job. I had someone refer me up at UPS. Hopefully that will be enough to get me a job up there. If I do get this job I will finally be able to get my car and not have to take the plane home and go through all that that brings. I’m tired of being broke so I will finally have some money to do something with all the time instead of some of the time. There are some shoes I been waiting to get and plenty of other things. I won’t have a problem with spending too much after I get passed them first couple weeks of splurging so I should be fine after that.

The semester is almost over and I have to say that I’m ready for it to be over. The problem is getting classes for next semester. I admit that I made my advising appointment a little late but the earliest day she had available was the day after thanksgiving. That was at least a couple weeks after I made the appointment. Now whenever I look for classes everything is practically filled up. I knew I should have made my appointment early than that but I didn’t think it would cost this much. Hopefully some more classes will open up so I can at least be a full time student.


This Thanksgiving holiday me and my brother took the plane back home to Atlanta. I had done it plenty off times and have had minor delays here and there but nothing that ever made me to mad. On this particular flight all the passengers had already boarded the plane and we were ready to hit the runway. As we started taxiing down the run way we just stop for a while. I sure people were thinking like me and wondering what was going on. Over the intercom the captain told us that there was a minor issue and we would need to go back to the gate. He said the problem would take about ten to fifteen minutes to fix. Well it didn’t and everyone had to get of the plane and board new flights. Lucky for me and my brother about two hours later we were able to catch a flight that was about to leave but I’m sure there were plenty of people who were stuck in the airport well beyond that. I guess we got kind of lucky.